Saturday 2 January 2021

Create Default Dimension with a set of dimension values through Code (x++)


      Create Default Dimension with a set of dimension values through Code (x++)

Below job specifies set of dimension values and get the default dimension(Recid) for that combination of the values passed.

static void getDefaultDimension(Args _args)
DimensionAttributeValueSetStorage valueSetStorage = new DimensionAttributeValueSetStorage();
DimensionDefault result;

int i;
DimensionAttribute dimensionAttribute;
DimensionAttributeValue dimensionAttributeValue;
container conAttr = [“Department”,”CostCentre” ,”ExpensePurpose”];
container conValue = [“00000030”, “OU_4574”, “Conference/Seminar”];
str dimValue;

for (i = 1; i <= conLen(conAttr); i++)
dimensionAttribute = dimensionAttribute::findByName(conPeek(conAttr,i));

if (dimensionAttribute.RecId == 0)

dimValue = conPeek(conValue,i);

if (dimValue != "")
// The last parameter is "true". A dimensionAttributeValue record will be created if not found.
dimensionAttributeValue =

// Add the dimensionAttibuteValue to the default dimension

result =;


Thanks & Regards


Thursday 24 December 2020

D365 F&O Import Data entity: postTargetProcess, copyCustomStagingToTarget

 D365 F&O Import Data entity: postTargetProcess, copyCustomStagingToTarget methods not called 

No row processing is achieved by enabling "Set-based processing = True"  and is used to imports records really fast.

Data management workspace > Data entities button


But when you really want to write some "postprocessing" logic, with the above setting the methods "postTargetProcess()", "copyCustomStagingToTarget()" are not called. Data entity with "Set-based processing" = false, calls "postTargetProcess( )"  and "copyCustomStagingToTarget()" method . 

One way  to run  postTargetProcess() code after importing all records with "Set-based processing" = true on  data entity is using post handlers.

[PostHandlerFor(classStr(DmfEntityWriter), methodStr(DmfEntityWriter, write))]

   public static void DmfEntityWriter_Post_write(XppPrePostArgs args)


       DMFDefinitionGroupExecution  _dmfDefinitionGroupExecution = args.getArg('_definitionGroupExecution');

       // come code to iterate target table records exists joined from staging


This method is called for all staging records where TransferStatus::Completed.

As this post hadler method is from the DMF base class DmfEntityWriter, it will be called for all entites.Hence we need to be careful while using this method and handle the logic for different entities with switch case as below.

str callerEntity = dmfDefinitionGroupExecution.EntityXMLName;

              switch (callerEntity)

case 'CustCustomersV3Entity':

// something



Thanks & Regards

D365 F&O Data Entity : DMF Methods calling sequence

 D365 F&O Data Entity : DMF Methods calling sequence

Thanks & Regards


Segmented Entry Controls in Dynamics AX 2012

                        Segmented Entry Controls in Dynamics AX 2012

I was going through the segmented entry control on the form and found that AX 2012 has changed the way ledger dimensions populate on the form.
A new control type has been added in AX 2012 as shown below.

You can add a segmented entry control to a form when you want that form to show an account number and related dimensions from the chart of accounts. In addition, you use the segmented entry control to associate an account and related financial dimensions with the record that appears in the form. To update the values in the control, you can use a lookup or a list of recently used values to select a value for each segment. Finally, you can have the control validate the updated segments to ensure the account and financial dimensions are a valid combination[msdn]
For more information : click here
Let me show you how to quickly get this working on the form.
To explain this, I am using ProjParameters Table.
Add a new Int64 field to ProjParameters Table by name “LedgerDimension”
and set the extendedDataType as “LedgerDimensionAccount”

Add a new relation with “DimensionAttributeValueCombination” table.Right click on the relations Node >> New relation and set the relations as shown below

Now create a normal relation as shown below. Right click on the newly created relations and chose Normal relation.

we are done with the table customization and lets move to the form “ProjParameters”
Go to AOT >> Forms >> ProjParameters >> right click on the form and restore.
Expand the datasources node >> projParameters >> Drag and drop the LedgerDimension field on to Design >> General TabPage as shown below.

Once you drag drop this datafield ledgerDimension, a new segmentedEntry control will be created. Save the form and open the form [Ctrl + O].
you will find the ledger account control in the General Tab. But when you try to look at the ledger accounts, you will not find anything[empty – no lookup values]..

hmm.. interesting..what am I missing here?? Let me help you how to get this..
In AX 2012, there is a class “LedgerDimensionAccountController” which does the trick of population of accounts. LedgerDimensionAccountController class provides control interaction logic for any use of the account number control in the UI.
Lets proceed. Go to the classdeclaration and create an object for LedgerDimensionAccountController class as shown below

public class FormRun extends ObjectRun
//..standard code
LedgerDimensionAccountController ledgerDimensionAccountController;
Override the init() method of the form and instantiate the object of the class as shown below with the projparameters_ds and the field name “LedgerDimension”

public void init()
//…standard code
// Initialize account controllers
ledgerDimensionAccountController = LedgerDimensionAccountController::construct(projParameters_DS, fieldstr(ProjParameters, LedgerDimension));
Go to datasources >> projParameters >> fields >> ledgerDimension >> add a new method called resolvereference as shown below

public Common resolveReference(FormReferenceControl _formReferenceControl)
return ledgerDimensionAccountController.resolveReference();

After you add the control to the form, you must provide the control with the ability to retrieve data, select a value for a segment, and validate the selected values. Typically, you use a controller class to override several segmented entry control methods.
Now, expand Design node >> segmented Entry control which has been recently created >> right click and override the “jumpref” method and add the below code

public void jumpRef()
Right click again on th segmented entry control and override “loadAutoCompleteData” method and add the below code

Public void loadAutoCompleteData(loadAutoCompleteDataEventArgs _e)
Right click again on the segmented control and override “loadsegments” method and add the below code

public void loadSegments()
Right click on the segmented entry control and override “segmentValueChanged” and add the below code

public void segmentValueChanged(SegmentValueChangedEventArgs _e)
Lastly , right click on the segmented control and override “validate” method and add the code below

public boolean validate()
boolean isValid;
isValid = super();
isValid = ledgerDimensionAccountController.validate() && isValid;
return isValid;
For more details on the overridden methods above : click here
Done, we are good now to see the ledger accounts with the segments [if any] in the lookup.
Right click on the projParameters form and open the form.

Thanks & Regards

Tuesday 11 June 2019

D365 : How to reset usage data

How to reset usage data for the logged in User in Dynamics 365 environment.

Go to Settings > User Options

Click on Usage data button

Click Reset button to reset  the usage data for that particular User Id.

Thanks & Regards

Monday 6 April 2015

Restore deleted Sales order in AX 2012

How to Restore deleted sales order or purchase order Ax 2012 ?

If the parameter 'Mark order as voided' is enabled in the Accounts receivable parameters, you can find the deleted order in the form "Voided sales orders" that can be found under Sales and marketing/Inquiries/History/Voided sales orders. 

In fact the history tables contains sent Confirmations, Packing slips and Invoices.

Sales order restoration:

static void restoreDeletedSO(Args _args)
SalesTableDelete    salesTableDelete;
SalesLineDelete     salesLineDelete;
SalesTable          salesTable;
SalesLine           salesLine;
SalesTableDelete = SalesTableDelete::find(‘00450_036′, true);
switch (salesTableDelete.Cancelled)
case Voided::Voided :
salesTable  = conpeek(salesTableDelete.SalesTable, 1);
while select forupdate salesLineDelete where salesLineDelete.SalesId == salesTableDelete.SalesId
salesLine = conpeek(salesLineDelete.SalesLine, 1);
case Voided::linesVoided :
while select forupdate salesLineDelete where salesLineDelete.SalesId == salesTableDelete.SalesId
salesLine = conpeek(salesLineDelete.SalesLine, 1);

Thanks & Regards

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Linking images to Items in Item Master

How to link an image to an item in Item Master in AX 2012?

1) Copy the images in the required  path.
2) Create a new job to link images to items.
   static void uploadProductImages(Args _args)
    DocuRef                         docuRef;
    DocuValue                       docuValue;
    InventTable                     inventTable;
    EcoResProductImage       ecoResProductImage;
    System.String[]                 fileNames;
    int                                     fileCount, i;
    str                                     fileName, trimmedFileName, fileNameWithExt;
    BinData                            binData;
    str                                     filePath;
    System.IO.FileInfo            fileInfo;
    EcoResProduct                 ecoResProduct;
    EcoResProductImageManagement    productImageManagement;
    EcoResProductImageThumbnail       ecoResProductImageThumbnail;

    filePath = 'Specify the path where your images are saved here.';
    // File path should be provided as : C:\\Images\\Car.jpg
    binData  = new BinData();
    fileNames = System.IO.Directory::GetFiles(filePath);
    fileCount = fileNames.get_Length();
    for (i=0; i<fileCount; i++)
        fileName = fileNames.GetValue(i);

        // Get only the file name. If value returned is C:\Images\Car.jpg, get only Car.jpg
        trimmedFileName = substr(fileName, strscan(fileName, '\\', strlen(fileName),
        -strlen(fileName))+ 1,    strlen(fileName));
        fileNameWithExt = trimmedFileName;
        if (trimmedFileName)
            // Assuming file extension is always .jpg, removing it
            trimmedFileName = strreplace(trimmedFileName, ".jpg", "");
        // assuming image name matches item name in AX
        ecoResProduct = EcoResProduct::findByDisplayProductNumber(trimmedFileName);
        inventTable = InventTable::findByProduct(ecoResProduct.RecId);

        if (inventTable)

            docuValue.FileName = trimmedFileName;
            docuValue.FileType = "jpg";
            docuValue.OriginalFileName = fileNameWithExt;
            docuValue.File = binData.getData();

            docuRef.ValueRecId = docuValue.RecId;
            docuRef.RefTableId = tableNum(InventTable);
            docuRef.Name     =  trimmedFileName;
            docuRef.RefRecId = inventTable.RecId;
            docuRef.RefCompanyId = inventTable.dataAreaId;
            docuRef.TypeId = "Image";

            ecoResProductImage.DefaultImage = true;
            ecoResProductImage.FileName = fileNameWithExt;
            ecoResProductImage.ImageFormat = "jpg";
            ecoResProductImage.RefRecId = docuRef.RecId;
            ecoResProductImage.RefRecord = docuRef.RefRecId;
            ecoResProductImage.Usage = EcoResProductImageUsage::External;
            //0; // Base Enum: 0=External, 1=Internal
            // To make the thumbnail size
            ecoResProductImageThumbnail  = new EcoResProductImageThumbnail(false);
            ecoResProductImage.MediumSize =                       ecoResProductImageThumbnail.generateThumbnail(204,204,docuRef);
            ecoResProductImage.ThumbnailSize    = ecoResProductImageThumbnail.generateThumbnail(48,48,docuRef);

            info(strFmt("%1 - %2", docuValue.RecId, docuRef.RecId));


3) Make sure you have a document type of  type "Image"(as we are linking images to items)  created  in
    Organization Administration > Setup > Document Management > Document Types.

Thanks & Regards